Monday, March 20, 2006


When I was still teaching, we were told to have a philosophy that acts as a guiding principle for us. It did not take me too long to come up with mine: Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others.

Is there any need to explain this statement? It is not to sound philosophical *no pun intended* but that helped to keep me grounded and sane, because I was (and still am) very clear I am no superman and because I am no superman, I can break (down). And I would only be a burden if I broke (down). No way would I allow that to happen.

Has anything changed now that I am now in HQ?

With fatherhood, it became clearer to me my philosophy has to be upgraded (as with my dial-up internet access is upgraded to wireless broadband :)

Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others, and at the same time, live life to the fullest.

This means, buy that thing that you have always wanted to have (within limits of course). Go and spend time with your loved ones - let them know how important they are in your life *there is no need for me to add that minus work, minus whatever pursuits you may have, the one constant thing I think is family* Watch 大长今! *this show is sickening good but my wife refuses to let me buy the VCDs* *NO, WE CAN WATCH IT FOR FREE ON CH U NOW!* *HAIZ*

Some of you would know what I mean :)

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